The first volume of the first edition of Grimm's Children and Household tales was published in 1812 with the second edition being published being 1815 and although all the tales have roots in history older than this, I wanted to look at hairstyles of this period as this would be an influence on my looks. All 3 of my look will have some sort of period influence from these hairstyles but I'd like one look (Cinderella) to be much more directly taken from period styles
1807-1811 - Corson, H (2001) Fashions in hair: the first 5000 years. London: Peter Owen page 503
Plaits feature heavily in these styles which is good for my looks as plaits are incorporated in all of my initial designs. There are a lot of small curls framing the face and updos seem to focus on the style being at the crown of the head not to top.
1812-1815 - Corson, H (2001) Fashions in hair: the first 5000 years. London: Peter Owen page 505
Again these looks feature a lot of plaits, especially wrapped around updos which is something I'd like to incorporate so that there's a running theme of plaits on my looks. A lot of the styles have curls around the face then are very smoothed back into the updo
1815-1821 - Corson, H (2001) Fashions in hair: the first 5000 years. London: Peter Owen page 507
The styles here get slightly more exaggerated and complex but again plaits feature heavily in every look. Curls seem slightly tighter and there are more hair accessories/adornments which is something I'd like to include in my looks.