Hannah Twigg (2015) 'And off she went...' behind the scenes video [online] available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHNH1n9Q7eQ [accessed 9th May 2015]
I was very happy with how it came out and the way I put it together however on the day, due to the time lapse filming the camera ran out of battery not long after we arrived on location. This meant I didn't get any time lapse of the Rapunzel makeup application and not as much behind the scenes shot as I wanted. If I were to do this again I would bring my camera charger with me so it would last the whole day and I think this would make the video even more interesting
To promote the video I shared it on my social media platforms linked to my youtube channel - twitter and my facebook page. This would help the video get more views and reach more of an audience.
This was the real time view count when the video had been out for 5 hours (450 views)
This was the view count when the video had been out for a full 24 hours (750 views) because of this I expect the video to get around 1000-2000 views in the next couple of months.
This is the comments I received on the video within the first day